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Announcement: Pala’s Physical Addressing Education and Coordination Project

Pala Band of Mission Indians California Pala Announcement

PALA, CA – The Pala Band of Mission Indians and Pala Geographic Information System (GIS) Department announces the Pala’s Physical Addressing Education and Coordination Project Update.

In February of 2020, The Pala GIS and Fire Departments held two Community Meetings (morning and evening) to discuss the importance of physical addressing when calling 9-1-1 in Pala, the effort to update all physical addressing to the 5-digit system, and eliminate physical addressing conflicts. Future community meetings were planned to educate, spread the word and build community support. However, the rise of COVID-19 forced us to postpone and ultimately cancel these meetings altogether, putting the project on hold.

With more people getting vaccinated and as things begin to return to normal, we are looking forward in the coming months to be able to resume our Community meetings and move the project forward. We thank you for your support and look forward to meeting with you once again!

Announcements with future meeting dates and times will soon follow. Stay tuned for future meeting dates and times.

Pala Band of Mission Indians GIS Department
For more information contact the Matthey Deveney, GISP:
760-891-3512 | | Pala GIS

Pala Fire Department – William Kendig
For more information contact William Kendig:
760-742-1632 | | Pala Fire Department

– Spanish Version –


En febrero de 2020, Los Gis y Bomberos de Pala celebraron dos Reuniones Comunitarias para discutir la importancia del abordaje físico al llamar al 9-1-1 en Pala, el esfuerzo por actualizar todos los direccionamientos físicos al sistema de 5 dígitos y eliminar los conflicts de abordaje físico.

Se planificaron futuras reuniones comunitarias para educar, difundir la palabra y construir apoyo comunitario. Sin embargo, el auge del COVID-19 nos obligó a posponer y, en última instancia, cancelar estas reuniones por completo, poniendo el proyecto en suspense.

Con más personas vacunadas y a medida que las cosas empiezan a volver a la normalidad, esperamos que en los próximos meses podamos reanudar nuestras reuniones comunitarias y sacar adelante el proyecto. ¡Le agradecemos su apoyo y esperamos reunirse con usted una vez más!

Los anuncios con futuras fechas y horarios de reunión pronto seguirán.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con Matthew Deveney, especialista en SIG en o llame al (760)891-3512.

Flyer - Pala's Physical Addressing Education and Coordination Project Update

– Spanish Version –

Flyer - Pala's Physical Addressing Education and Coordination Project Update (Spanish)